Sunday, October 25, 2009

Class of 1969

The Winfield High School Class of 1969 came to Windswept Winery for part of their reunion weekend.
Good people, good food, great times.
The jukebox played, they laughed and talked, and generally had a wonderful time.
What a wonderful bunch of folks! Hope to see you all again in 5 or 10 years....

Now, if someone sends me pictures.....I'll post a couple here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Randy (my husband and co-winemaker) planted sunflowers around the south vineyard block, and they have bloomed for weeks.
The huge yellow blossoms were a sight to behold, snuggled up around the dark green of the vineyard. Several of our guests took pictures with the flowers...they were adorable.
If you have a nice picture send it, and I'll add it to the post!